I want to recommend it to 2019(Year of boar)! Temple of a boar in Gion!

禅居庵のいのししおみくじ Kyoto Tourism

Next year is the year of boar!

There is a temple that is perfect for the year of boar in Kyoto, Gion.

Speaking of famous boar in Kyoto, the place is located in the west of Kyoto Mieno, a shrine in the west.

Various pleasures can be seen in the precincts.

Please visit the past articles about Goou Shrine.

来年の干支は亥。護王神社へ初詣はいかがでしょうか。護王神社はいのしし神社と呼ばれる神社で、和気清麻呂がどーたらこーたら。元日から6 御日まで境内では、奉納猪絵馬展、こどもいのしし絵馬コンクール展、田中道男切り絵展、しゅんこう和紙ちぎり絵展が



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The temple of the boar “zenkyoan”

The official name of the boar is zenkyoan.

It is one of the tower heads of Kenninji, followed by the approach from Kenninji to Zen.

In zenkyoan, Muritoshiten (Buddhist god of war) is enshrined.

Muritoshiten is one of the pillars of the heavenly Buddhist guardian deity

It looks like a girl on a boar, a god who deified the sunset.

Muritoshiten was the guardian deity of Buddhism, and it was regarded as a samurai guardianoid.

Hot air can not be caught, it can not burn, it does not get wet, it does not get hurt.

Muritoshiten and boar

Muritoshiten follows the boar as a family.

Therefore, there are a lot of boars in zenkyoan in which Muritoshiten is enshrined.

The practice of Kyoto “Burning of a boar day”

In Kyoto ‘s practice, we will fire on the first winter winter day in November which is the lunar calendar of October (Boar Day).

Since the boar is to calm the fire, fire is hard to occur by burning the fireplace on this day. Also, in the tea house, we open the furnace instead of the furnace from the furnace. (From the Kyoto Official Official Textbook).

Cute boar omikuji

Cute pork cutlet (400 yen) seems to be photographing.



From Yamato Odori pass you can also go to zenkyoan, but the approach has been continuing from Zen gate in Kenninji to Zen. I also recommend this way.

I think that it is a temple that is popular in 2019.

If you visit Gion, please come to zenkyoan! ! !




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